Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”

Welcome to Eagles

Image result for Eagle



Teaching staff

Mrs Hatton (Mon to Weds), Mrs Coleman (Weds to Fri)

Supported by Mrs Vickers


Meet the teacher 

Below are a few things that hopefully you will find useful. If you have any questions, then please contact us via the school office email address.

Important Dates


Wednesday 18th Sept  - first swimming lesson

Wed 25th  Sept- Photos

Mon 21st Oct – Greek day

Wed 23rd Oct/6th Nov – Parents eve

Friday 25th Oct – Inset

Tues 19th Nov – Class assembly

Wed 20th Nov - Inset


Autumn Term

Wednesday - Swimming (Start 18th September)

Thursday - Indoor P.E

Children come into school wearing correct P.E kit 


Year 5 pupils usually receive English and maths homework  each week. 

If the children have My Maths for their Maths homework, this is marked online by My Maths straight away and is submitted online the day it is completed. 




The children are given a list of words at the beginning of each half term. They are taught the spelling rule at the beginning of the week and then the test is usually carried out on a Monday. In the daily activities section there is a document with different ways to help the children learn the spellings.



The children all have access to TTRockstars, which they are encouraged to use to help them improve their speed at answering questions. Occasionally they will have time in school to use TTRockstars. When playing in Garage and Arena games, TTRockstars uses data-informed algorithm, which issues each learner with questions that are just right for them, every time. This will optimise every practice session and accelerate their progress to becoming a times tables rock star! 


The children are expected to read at least 4 times a week and we would the children to record it in their reading journals.  At the front of the books there are questions that they should use to help them with the comment. The books will be checked weekly.  

The children receive awards for the number of times they have read. 

For the Autumn term the children will received a reward if they read for 55 days before Friday 6th December. The reward for the Autumn term will be Christmas Cinema.  

You may find these website useful to find books for your children to read. 


 Useful for finding books suitable for certain age and genre.



 Book recommendation along with questions and activities for books.

Below are a set of posters which can guide you and your children to a selection of books if your child is interested in a certain author or series of books. The posters provide a selection of other books that they may enjoy with a similar theme. 

 David Walliams.pdfDownload
 Dog Man.pdfDownload
 Harry Potter.pdfDownload
 Horrible Histories.pdfDownload
 Jacqueline Wilson.pdfDownload
 Michael Morpurgo.pdfDownload
 Roald Dahl.pdfDownload
 The Famous Five.pdfDownload
 The Worst Witch.pdfDownload
 Tom Gates.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Please find below a list of recommended reads for Year 5 which may provide useful if you are looking for the next book to read. 

 Recommend reads year 5 checklist.pdfDownload
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Below is a list of Mathematical vocabularly that your child will be taught throughout their time in Year 5.

 Statistics Vocabulary Year 5.pdfDownload
 Y5 Place Value Vocabulary.pdfDownload
 Year 5 - Perimeter and Area Vocabulary.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Fraction Vocabulary Cards and Assessment.pdfDownload
 Year 5 multiplication and divsion 2.pdfDownload
 Year 5 Multiplication- Vocabulary Cards.pdfDownload
 Year 5 position and direction vocabulary.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10

Calculation policy

Below is the calculation policy for Year 5. 

 Calculation policy.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Class Charter

The children worked together to decide on the statements in the class charter.

Autumn Term Quest


Our Autumn Term Quest is Groovy Greeks

The quest is based on the History and English  curriculum. The children will be travelling back in time to study the Ancient Greeks and answer the question 'Why were the Ancient Greeks so significant?' 
In English, we will be studying Ancient Greek mythology and using this inspiration to create our own mythical creatures and quests for our heroes to venture on. 
In Science, we will be studying forces and linking some Ancient Greek thinking to our ideas. 
In French, we will be learning and practicing our descriptions whilst description French monster pets. 
In Music, we will be studying the blues and creating music using the 12-bar blues. 
In DT we will be creating Ancient Greek scenes using the movement of cams and within Art will be practicing our sewing skills. 

Spring Term Quest

Our Spring Term quest is 'A Hole New World' 

The quest is based on the Geography and Science curriculum. Within Science, the children will be going on a journey through space learning about different planets, moon phases and why we have day, night and different seasons. We will also be learning to pronounce different planets names in our French lessons. In Geography, we will be learning about North America alongside our class reader of Holes. The children will also have an opportunity to learn about the famous American artist Georgia O'Keeffe. In music, the children will be learning about and creating musicals as well as performing in their own Easter production at the end of the Spring term. 

Class Texts

During the Autumn our class texts will include:

Who Let The Gods out.

Author  - Maz Evans 


When Elliot wishes upon a star, he doesn't expect a constellation to crash into a dungheap on his family farm.

The star is Virgo. She thinks she's perfect. Elliot doesn't. And together they release Thanatos, evil Daemon of Death ... epic fail.

They need the King of the Gods and his noble steed. Instead, they get a chubby Zeus and his high horse Pegasus.

Are the Gods really ready to save the world? And is the world really ready for the Gods?

Birthday book wish list

As an alternative to sweets or cake, the children are welcome to bring in a book for their class to celebrate their birthday. Please see below a list of books we would like for Eagles

The Light in Everything -  Katya Balen

The Lion Above the Door- Onjali Q Rauf

The Elephant in the Room - Holly Goldberg Sloan

The Chime Seekers - Ross Montgomery

Dragon Skin - Karen Foxlee

Danny Cheug does not do Maths - Maisie Chan

Autumn term quest overview