Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”


English at Ascot Heath

Our English subject leader: Miss Vaisey

Our Vision


Our vision for reading is that all children will leave Ascot Heath Primary School as readers - not just pupils who can read - who have a life-long love of reading a range of literature. Through the use of the 'Windows and Mirrors' approach, children will broaden their imaginations,  widen their knowledge and develop empathy for the world and the people in it.   


At Ascot Heath Primary School, we believe that writing and communication are key life skills. Through the English curriculum, we will equip children with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to become confident, capable, enthusiastic writers who communicate effectively and creatively in all aspects of their lives.

Each year group have a long term writing plan. Click on the year group you would like to read

Year One     Year Two     Year Three     Year Four    Year Five    Year Six 

To read our English policy please click the icon below: