Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”

Modern Foreign Langauges at Ascot Heath

Our MFL subject leader is Mrs Bieniek

Our Vision

As a nation, the British are not that great at foreign languages! We are full of inhibitions and awkwardness when it comes to speaking in a different tongue.

At Ascot Heath Primary School, our vision is to develop children’s oracy in French and equip them with key words phrases they can use in real-world situations. Children will become confident enough to ‘have a go’ without feeling self-conscious or worried about getting it wrong.

Wherever in the world they find themselves, and whatever new languages they encounter, they will be equipped with a positive life-time attitude towards the gift of communication and understanding.


For each subject we have created a progression of skills and knowledge document. You can view the MFL documents by clicking on the titles below:

Lower Key Stage Two               Upper Key Stage Two

To read our MFL policy please click the icon below: