Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”

Daily activity ideas to try:

In case our year 2 bubble have to stay at home we have put together some daily activities for us to get on with. Maybe you have been speedy with your remote learning and are looking for something else to get on with. Below are some different ideas of things to practise daily, printable resources that might help and websites for each different subject area.  These activities will be amended in line with remote learning if and when required.

Curriculum English | Ravenshall School
woody woodpecker reading - Clip Art Library

  • Read a book
  • Practise your set 2 and 3 sounds.
  • Share a book with someone. Maybe you could ask each other questions about the story.
  • Write a book review
  • Practise spelling the Year 2 common exception words
  • Rewrite the ending of one of your favourite books
  • Have a go at writing a range of sentences (commands, questions, statements and exclamations). Try and also use a range of punctuation (. ? ! , ' )

 Handwriting - Joining.pdfDownload
 Letter Formation.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

For fun phonics games to boost your sound knowledge and grammar visit these websites.



For Read write inc phonics resources and helpful videos see below:

Free eBook Library 

Parent guide to RWI 

Read Write Inc., Complex Speed Sounds A4 Chart | Teaching Resources


 PEPE Descriptor

Head over to Jumpstart Jonny for a dance whether its's an energetic or calming song. 

Get a sweat on with Joe Wicks.


Get active with these fun family games by GetSet4PE.

Wind down with some calming yoga along with Cosmic Yoga.


Mathematics – Tynecastle High School

  • Lots of counting in 2s, 3s, 5s & 10s (especially backwards and from any number).
  • Practise your times tables.
  • Practise some quickfire mental adidition and subtraction. Doubling, halving, number bonds to 10 and 20. 
  • Play a game such as ‘Snakes and Ladders’, dominoes, top trumps.
  • Make up your own word problems using addition and subtraction.
  • Practise your number formation. Can you write numbers up to 100?
  • Practise spelling numbers 1 to 100. 

Here are some great websites to practise lots of these skills online. 







Why art is my favorite subject – BRW Academy Blog

Have a go at sketching along with #DrawWithRob. He is such a good artist and real easy to follow.

Draw a picture of what you can see out of a window at the front and then at the back of your house.

Design a new front cover for your favourite book.

Research an artist that you are interested in. Try to recreate a piece of art work in this style.

Draw or paint a portrait of someone in your house.


Other Subjects

Foundation Subjects – Suffah Primary School

The other parts of the curriculum are so important so we musn't forget about them. Here are some fun activities you could do to develop your skills in some other subjects. We will keep updating and adding to this list with more fun daily activities. 

 Ideas for Other Subjects.docxDownload
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