Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”

Inclusion Team


  Mrs Elston  – Deputy Head and Inclusion Lead

Mrs Elston is our Inclusion Lead at Ascot Heath Primary School. She works alongside Mrs Mason and Mrs Hodges to provide an inclusive environment and curriculum for children across Early Years, Key Stage and Key Stage 2. Support provided is dependent on the needs of the child, group or class and may involve the additional support of external agencies. Mrs Elston is also our school SENDCo. Within this capacity she liaises closely with class teachers to support children who may need additional help with their learning, behaviour or social skills. Mr Somers will meet with parents/carers and outside agencies to support children's needs in the best possible way. The school works with Speech and Language therapists, the Educational Psychologist, Support for Learning and the Behaviour Support Team (BST). Other services may be available to meet an individual child's needs.


 Mrs Hodges – Teaching Assistant / Learning Support Assistant 

Mrs Hodges works with groups of children and individual children to help them in their areas of need. 

Mrs Mason - ELSA / Family Support


Mrs Mason works with children across the school to provide them with him in their area of need. In addition Mrs Mason works closely alongside parents/carers who require advice or additional support.