Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”


Welcome to Penguins Class!

Penguins Staff:

Mrs Withey is our class teacher, Miss Ringrose teaches on a Thursday

Mrs Kishore is our Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Munro is our Learning Support Assistant

Our Autumn Term Quest - Once upon a Time

Our first quest for the term is 'Once upon a time'.  During this quest we learn castles and the king! We also read lots of stories and enjoy a medieval banquet!


Class Info

PE days:

Our PE days for 2024-2025 are on Wednesdays and Fridays - please make sure your child has a full, named PE kit in school on these days. The PE kits will be kept in school on pegs and sent home at the end of each half term to be washed and checked. Please make sure any ear piercings are removed on PE days. 

Homework expectations:


  • On Fridays the children will also bring home a special RWI 'book bag book' that links to the one they have been reading. This is an unfamiliar text and will therefore test the skills they learnt the week before to read it.  Ideally the children should be reading 5 times a week.
  • Starting soon, on Wednesdays, your child will also be set a RWI inc book via the Oxford Owl website. This is the book that they will have been studying that week in their RWI lessons. 
  • Also, the children will be able to borrow a book from the school library for you to enjoy together. Our library day is Tuesday. 


  • For now no formal Maths homework will be set. However, is always helpful to practise counting. In Year 1 we will be counting in 1s forwards and backwards to 100, in 2s forwards and backwards to 24 and in 10s forwards and backwards to 120. Practising speedy knowledge of number facts such as number bonds (to 10 or 20), doubles and halves is also beneficial.