Rhododendron Walk, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8PN

01344 882631

Ascot Heath Primary School

“Preparing our children for all of their tomorrows”


Message for Woodpeckers from Miss Seaton: 

Hello wonderful Woodpeckers, 

I have missed you a lot and it has been so lovely seeing some of your faces over the last couple of weeks. I am really grateful that I will be in your year 3 bubble in September! I hope you liked the photo frames (isn’t Mrs Haselden clever!) if you haven't been back to school yet you will get yours when we come back. This year has not been as we expected but you should all be so proud of yourselves on how well you have handled all the changes. I’m sure you’ve all got a mixture of memories that you can share with us. I can’t wait to see what amazing things you will accomplish in Year 3. Thank you so much for the cards and pressies, they were really generous and I loved seeing all your smiley faces on the card. The back of the card made me laugh, certainly a year to remember! I am getting married in February half term so I’m going to use my voucher to get some lovely stationary for the day!

Thank you for all the pictures of your work during lock down, it really brightened my days seeing your incredible work. I have loved looking through all your remote learning books too. I hope you all have a really lovely summer and hope you will be looking forward to coming back as much as I will be.

Stay safe and smiley, Miss Seaton x.


Year 2 Remote Learning 

Hi Year 2 and welcome to remote learning. Mrs Caunt and Mrs Haselden will be your 'Remote Teachers' this week :) 

Every morning we are going to set you up with some daily challenges for you to complete at home. Make sure to record your work in your remote learning books. We are also going to check in with you every afternoon to see how you are getting on with the work and to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to leave a comment in the guestbook about how you are getting on as we would love to hear from you all.


Year 2 Remote Learning Gallery


Congratulations to our Remote Learner of the week, Alisa - for her fantastic butterfly lifecycle project. Well done Alisa!


Wednesday 22nd July


Good morning Year 2. Well we've come to the very last day of term. Are you all ready for the summer holidays? I hope you've all got lots of fun things planned whether you're staying at home or going away. For this morning Mr Somers has given you a final couple of activities to complete to earn the reward of your very own home marble party! I wonder what movie you will choose?

I particularly like the English activity today as I have many, many fond memories of being in Year 2 with Hawks and Woodpeckers. My favourite time though has to be every morning when we are greeted by your smiley faces at the door. Do let us know what your fondest memories are this morning by dropping us a comment or an email. As always, we'd love to hear from you.

Finally we'd like to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to you and your lovely mums, dads, grandparents and carers for the very kind and thoughtful gifts you have given us (passed on to us by Mr Somers). We have absolutely loved working with you in Year 2 this year and hope the children have an absolutely brilliant year 3!

Mrs Caunt and Mrs Haselden

Maths activity

Warm up 

Keep up the great work with TT Rockstars.




To wind up the year and earn a marble jar party this afternoon, have a go at doing one of these maths activity mats. I think the first one is the easiest and they progressively get harder. You choose with one you fancy having a go at. The answers are also there for you to mark it yourselves. 


English activity


We have such amazing memories from this year. Again, in order to earn your marble jar party later I want you to think back about the time you have had in year 2 and share your fondest memories. My best memory of year 2 is when we did chocolate sculptures and made Prince Pondicherry's chocolate palace. 

Use the sheet below to help you think of your own wonderful year 2 memories.

Other Activity

 Marble Jar Party 

Now then, I think you have earned it. Time to kick back, turn off all the lights, pull up a cushion and snuggle down to a good movie. Maybe you have some popcorn or an ice lolly knocking around that you can enjoy. 

Really well done this year everyone and have a wonderful summer!

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